In the days leading up to the 50th anniversary of the NDF, we will highlight some of the many great martyrs of the Filipino people in this series of PAGDAKILA. These activists and revolutionaries have given the highest sacrifice to serve the national democratic people’s movement in achieving national and social liberation. As a solidarity organization to the Filipino people in struggle, we honor these heroes and engulf ourselves with their great revolutionary spirit as we continue to support and join their struggle for liberation. 

Ka Reynaldo’s life was marked by decades of serving the people, especially the exploited and oppressed masses in the countryside of Panay where he was lovingly known as Ka Hans, Ka Bading and Ka Minoy.

Ka Hans, as he was called in the hinterland barrios of Tapaz, Capiz, pioneered in enlightening especially the indigenous Tumandok masses as to the root cause of their poverty, landlessness and to fight for the right to their ancestral lands.

Ka Bading was a key figure in the consolidation and upsurge of the revolutionary movement in Central Panay. In the 80’s he was also key to the upsurge of the anti- fascist struggle in Southern Panay up to the downfall of the Marcos dictatorship.

Ka Minoy gave 50 years of his life in the revolutionary struggle. He was well-loved by the masses for his wit and humor, sharing stories and laughing with them, his down-to-earth style when giving lessons to the masses and practicality in guiding them on how to organize and mobilize their fellow peasants.

Even though he was not able to see the victory of the revolution, his memory and revolutionary spirit will live on forever. It will live on in the just and necessary fight of the Filipino people to achieve national liberation and democracy, and in the global struggle against imperialism. And his and others’ martyrdom, and the struggling people of the Philippines will ensure that the victory of the Filipino people’s democratic revolution will come.

Long live all martyrs! Long live Ka Reynaldo Bocala! Long live the Filipino people’s democratic revolution!