In the days leading up to the 50th anniversary of the NDF, we will highlight some of the many great martyrs of the Filipino people in this series of PAGDAKILA. These activists and revolutionaries have given the highest sacrifice to serve the national democratic people’s movement in achieving national and social liberation. As a solidarity organization to the Filipino people in struggle, we honor these heroes and engulf ourselves with their great revolutionary spirit as we continue to support and join their struggle for liberation.

On August 10, 2020, Randall “Randy” Echanis was martyred. Although the fascists murdered him in the darkness of the early morning, he had lived a life full of light. He had many different roles, but all of them were to serve the people to the best he could.

Throughout ka Randall’s life there was a theme of struggle. During the Marcos dictatorship, he was chairperson of a Kabataang Makabayan chapter during the First Quarter Storm and he became a red fighter. After the fall of Marcos, he became a leader in the legal mass movements. During the peace negotiations between the reactionary government and the NDFP he worked on social-economic reforms that would’ve helped to develop the Philippine economy.

Ka Randall has been a true inspiration, somebody who sacrificed comfort and even his own life to help the Filipino people. Even though the fascist forces killed him, his spirit will live on!

Long live all martyrs! Long live Ka Randall! Serve the people!